Los errores relacionados con vcruntime140.dll pueden producirse por distintas razones. Por ejemplo, una aplicación defectuosa, vcruntime140.dll, se ha eliminado o ubicado de forma incorrecta, ha sido corrompida por un software malicioso en tu PC o un registro de Windows dañado.
Los mensajes de error más frecuentes son:
- El programa no puede iniciarse porque falta vcruntime140.dll en el equipo. Intente reinstalar el programa para corregir este problema.
- Ha surgido un problema al ejecutar vcruntime140.dll. No se ha encontrado el módulo especificado
- Error al cargar vcruntime140.dll. No se ha encontrado el módulo especificado.
- La ejecución de código no puede continuar porque no se encontró vcruntime140.dll Este problema se puede solucionar reinstalando el programa.
- Error al iniciar la aplicación porque no se encontró vcruntime140.dll La reinstalación de la aplicación puede solucionar el problema.
- vcruntime140.dll no está diseñado para ejecutarse en Windows o contiene un error. Intente instalar el programa de nuevo por medio de los medios originales de instalación, o póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema o el fabricante de software para obtener ayuda.
En la mayoría de los casos, la solución consiste en volver a instalar adecuadamente vcruntime140.dll en tu PC, en la carpeta de sistema de Windows. Por otra parte, algunos programas, sobre todo los juegos para PC, requieren que el archivo de DLL se encuentre ubicado en la carpeta de instalación del juego/aplicación.
Para obtener instrucciones de instalación detalladas, consulta nuestro FAQ.
Detalles adicionales sobre vcruntime140.dll:
VCRUNTIME140.dll is one of the runtime libraries for Microsoft Visual Studio (Visual C++) 2015/2017/2019. Visual C++ runtime libraries are used for running programs developed in Microsoft Visual Studio.
If a program trying to load VCRUNTIME140.dll can not find it, you can get one of the following error messages;
- "program".exe - System error
The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem - "program".exe - System error
The program can't start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try re-installing the program to fix this problem.
Common for the following program files;
- httpd.exe
- php.exe
- skype.exe
- DComPerm.exe
- flexsim.exe
- Winfile.ex
- UplayService.exe
- Plex Media Server.exe
- otvdm.exe
- Piriform.exe
- Proxy.exe
- AccelerometerSt.exe
- AUEPUC.exe
- php-cgi.exe
- Gsi.exe
- EoCApp.exe
- HITMAN2.exe
The solution to this problem is to replace the missing dll file where the program can find it.
This can be accomplished in many ways;
- Downloading only the needed file (Manually or using the DLL-Files.com CLIENT)
- Re-installing the program giving you this error message
- Installing (or repairing) Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015/2017/2019
To install the VCRUNTIME140.dll to default windows folder using the DLL-Files.com CLIENT, begin by starting the CLIENT.
Type "VCRUNTIME140.dll" in the search input and click "Search for DLL file".
Select VCRUNTIME140.dll in the search results.
Click "Install".
To manually replace VCRUNTIME140.dll, begin by downloading a suitable version from this page.
Open the zip-file you downloaded from DLL-files.com .
Extract the DLL-file to a known location on your computer.
After extracting your zip-file, place the extracted DLL-file in the directory of the program that is requesting the file. Ex. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\VCRUNTIME140.dll
Even if using a 64bit Windows system, many programs are still 32bit.
32bit programs uses 32bit dll files, 64bit programs uses 64bit dll files.
On a 64bit Windows system, programs installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\
are most likely 32bit, and programs installed in C:\Program Files\
are most likely 64bit.
Make sure to use a 32bit DLL-file for a 32bit program, and a 64bit DLL-file for a 64bit program. Failure to do so will likely result in a 0xc000007b error.
Re-start your computer, and try to recreate the error to see if it has been resolved.
If placing the dll file in the program folder does not help, place a copy of the file in Windows default dll directory.
On a 64bit version of Windows, the default folder for 32bit DLL-files is C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
, and for 64bit dll-files C:\Windows\System32\
Make sure to overwrite any existing files (but make a backup copy of the original file).
Re-start your computer, and try to recreate the error to see if it has been resolved.
If your issue has not been resolved by these suggestions, you might need to re-install the Microsoft visual C++ Redistributable packages, which can be found at the Microsoft support page;
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 x86 Redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 x64 Redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 x86 Redistributable
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 x64 Redistributable
x86 for 32bit, x64 for 64bit. If using a 64bit Windows, install both.
Also make sure you are up to date with Windows Updates;- How to obtain updates from Windows Update in Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista.
- Update Windows 10