
Solucione el error de su tbverifier.dll

Por motivos de seguridad, este archivo no está disponible para su descarga. Nosotros solo proporcionamos información sobre cómo solucionar el problema específico de DLL.

Solucione el error de su tbverifier.dll

This file has been reported to be part of a spyware/malware/trojan. It is likely that the problem you are experiencing is linked directly to the spyware/malware/trojan rather than an actual missing DLL-file and the recommended course of action is to first locate/remove the Malware. We do not recommend downloading this file. Support says:

The file TBVerifier.dll is found as a component in Browser toolbars from Conduit.

This file is often found in C:\Program files\conduit\CTnnnnnnn\plugins\ where 'nnnnnnn' can be different strings of numbers.

Some Anti Virus programs consider those toolbars as potentially unwanted software and it is likely that you are seeing this error message because your security suite (Anti virus or Anti malware software) has attempted to remove it from your PC, but some parts of it has been left on your Machine.

A possible manual solution for you 'Handy-man Fixers' out there: (do this at your own risk)

To get rid of this error message, you have a few options.

a) If you see the value in keeping this toolbar and are sure you want to keep using it:

  • Re-install the toolbar software, while making sure your AntiVirus does not interfere, typically this means "Allowing" it through the AV security notice that pops up, alternatively you may need to go into your AV software and enter an exception for this application in the Settings menu (depending on the type of AV software you are using)

b) If you want to get rid of it:

  • uninstall / remove the toolbar software, first from the Control Panel in Windows, then manually remove the extension/plugin/browser helper object from all your Internet Browser Settings pages.
  • Disable the autostart from your windows boot sequence, you can do this by opening 'msconfig' (easiest from a 'Run' command or your start menu), find anything related to Conduit, MyToolBar or similar as well as any entry related to Tbverifier.dll.

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