Los errores relacionados con kernel32.dll pueden producirse por distintas razones. Por ejemplo, una aplicación defectuosa, kernel32.dll, se ha eliminado o ubicado de forma incorrecta, ha sido corrompida por un software malicioso en tu PC o un registro de Windows dañado.
Los mensajes de error más frecuentes son:
- El programa no puede iniciarse porque falta kernel32.dll en el equipo. Intente reinstalar el programa para corregir este problema.
- Ha surgido un problema al ejecutar kernel32.dll. No se ha encontrado el módulo especificado
- Error al cargar kernel32.dll. No se ha encontrado el módulo especificado.
- La ejecución de código no puede continuar porque no se encontró kernel32.dll Este problema se puede solucionar reinstalando el programa.
- Error al iniciar la aplicación porque no se encontró kernel32.dll La reinstalación de la aplicación puede solucionar el problema.
- kernel32.dll no está diseñado para ejecutarse en Windows o contiene un error. Intente instalar el programa de nuevo por medio de los medios originales de instalación, o póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema o el fabricante de software para obtener ayuda.
En la mayoría de los casos, la solución consiste en volver a instalar adecuadamente kernel32.dll en tu PC, en la carpeta de sistema de Windows. Por otra parte, algunos programas, sobre todo los juegos para PC, requieren que el archivo de DLL se encuentre ubicado en la carpeta de instalación del juego/aplicación.
Para obtener instrucciones de instalación detalladas, consulta nuestro FAQ.
Detalles adicionales sobre kernel32.dll:
Kernel32.dll file handles the memory usage in "Microsoft Windows". It is one of the primary files that are needed in order for "Windows" to function properly. When you start your PC - kernel32.dll is loaded in to a protected space in the memory, and there after it locates other applications that wants to be loaded in to the memory. Nothing works in “Windows” if the kernel32.dll file is damaged, moved or deleted. For this reason, we advise everyone to never attempt replacement of this file. We only have it available so that those few who *really* know what they are doing have a chance to get it. In most all cases when you get an error message about kernel32.dll it is because of system incompatibilities with the application you are trying to run. Figure out why it is incompatible with your system first, it might be as simple as locating a different version of that program.
The most common occurring error messages caused by problems with kernel32.dll:
• "Explorer caused an invalid page fault in module Kernel32.dll."
• "Iexplore caused an invalid page fault in module kernel32.dll."
• "Commgr32 caused an invalid page fault in module kernel32.dll."
• "Error in Kernel32.dll."
• "[PROGRAM NAME] has caused an error in Kernel32.dll."
Errors arise when other applications in "Windows" are trying to access the protected memory space that Kernel32.dll is using. These kind of errors can occur in all "Microsoft Windows" operating systems from "Windows 95" to the new "Windows 7".
DLL-Files.com Support says
Lots of people having issues with latest Skype update these days. The error message concerns Kernel32.dll Note: Do NOT attempt to change this .dll on your computer. This is not the issue. The problem is that Skype have stopped support Win XP SP2 and older. You need to update to XP SP3 from Microsoft help center then possibly reinstall Skype again. Do note: Microsoft themselves will stop support this XP from April 2014 onwards, and so will lots of other software vendors. Hope it helps!
Comments made by users:
I have got the problem "MakeCriticalSectionGlobal could not be found in KERNEL32.dll"
If your getting an error that you dont have the KERNEL32.DLL file that probably means you dont have at least XP service pack 2...
Hi! I used to use Skype for a long time without problems. But recently I have received notification on updating the program. So after updating of Skype, the latter doesn't run. Only notification "Fatal Error" with short description "Failed to get proc address for SetDllDirectoryW (Kernel32.dll)" is appeared.